SITE: "How To"?

TOC: Make A New Website — "How To" — ?

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It is expected for you to amend this document as you have doubts / clarify them with Imran. This is an in-progress document which we expect each new developer to expand on.

We assume, you to have Amadeus running locally as per the setup.

Stage 1 - Hello World!

  1. Clone amadeusweb/www using this "site repositories" link. We assume you know how to clone using tortoise git and what a relative path is.
  2. In Bitbucket, create a repo for your new "site" and clone it to your relative path (businesses, symphony, people).
  3. Henceforth, "www" will refer to the website (amadeusweb/www/).
  4. Copy .htaccess from www to your site folder. This will instruct apache to intercept urls and redirect them to index.php in the site's root folder. The relative url will be sent as a querystring parameter called "node".
  5. Copy index.php from www to site folder. You may need to adjust the path to framework entry file. Remove the stand-alone related commented code lines.
  6. Copy also site-cms.php to the site folder. In the copied file, change all the variables to suit your need.

    An alternative to site-cms.php is data/site.tsv which runFwk(site) will initiate. Example to be seen in site repositories(eg:wise-owls).

  7. Ensure to change the last parameter namely url.
  8. Visit the website in localhost (after making sure that setup is complete and apache is running).
  9. Empty the sections array and the social array in the site config (site.tsv or site-cms.php).
  10. Create a content folder with an file which says "hello world!".

Starting a Website From Scratch( pre v4.2 of 2023 - deprecated in favour of code flavours).

NOTE: Do this only if the design is radically different from

Engage with Amadeus Web

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