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...scanning for headingsWho Likes Using Us Best
- Customers who are tired of being dependant on developers to load in content, of errors and missed items in copying from preview to live environments, who want to push a lot of content updates made over a large period of time but do not have a mechanism to do it.
- Customers who are tired of security, plugin, backup nightmares and bloatware, who would like to have a simple robust system that clearly separates content and data from code and html.
- Customers who want a super simple and elegant system, who understand the value of thrift in development and either like getting a little technical or want to make life a little easier for their team.
- Customers who care about having their content organized into neat folders and subfolders, by laying out a content architecture and healthy taxonomy.
- Developers who hate the complexity of systems being built, with so many either unused or misused code, and who have to keep loading in content for customers because of no separation of concerns, who like a simple system that doesn't fail miserably when it comes to tracking and pushing content.
- Developers who like to code their way through small changes instead of relying on plugins and have an interest in craftsmanship.
- Developers who like to write clean code that is minimalistic and which can be easily extended or customized, believing in convention over configuration (databases typically do this) and other best practices.
Our Background
Our's is a better platform that Imran Ali Namazi, it's creator, with 25 years of software craftsmanship strongly recommends. He will take full responsibility for it.
It has a plan for adoption within the developer community and we are working with a few seniors and mentors to offer certification training in it within 2025.
Until then, you, our collaborators are benefitors for no extra cost than his time.
Imran has worked with Vb6, .Net, php, Javascript both with vanilla codebases and sophisticated frameworks building as well as consuming frameworks - for hobby and enterprise level products and once AmadeusWeb began in Nov 2019, has not looked back for projects where he is sole contributor.
The Environment Data (from database) synchronization nightmare in MOST SYSTEMS is a breeze in Amadeus which will let a team make extensive content changes on their machines, integrate them and resolving conflicts and collisions using git resolution methodology and then do a granular update to staging and live! For its diligence in content alone, Amadeus Web remains a HANDS DOWN WINNER.
Read about our reasons over wordpress.