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TOC: Over Wordpress — "Reasons" — ?
...scanning for headingsWhy not Wordpress
Wordpress was good for me, Imran since 2007 when I was introduced to it. For more than a decade it was my "Golden Hammer". But I have been building file based players and viewers and sites since 2000, so in 2019 when one of my wordpress sites got hacked, I decided to go all out and build something with "fresh perspective" solving many of the development and authoring hurdles I have seen building both simple and entgerprise websites.
Pros / Pluses of Wordpress
- Feature Marketplace
- Easy to create and change
- Logins for changes
Cons / Minuses of Wordpress
- Bloatware
- Security Nightmare
- No content architecture and tracking
- Database abstraction
- Plugin mania, management difficulties or coding customised ones are little tough
Why Amadeus Web
It is
- Simple
- A joy to behold
- Tiny and Blazingly fast.
- Easy for collaboration / syncing across devices and environments.
Pros / Pluses of Amadeus Web
- Lightweight and minimalistic
- Content is on open source standards, collaboration via git
- Collaborators can develop a bunch of content offline or on a fork and submit for review
- Backup is inherent, test offline and publish is easy (no hassle with environments)
- Features can be hand coded. Has an artisan feel.
- Sheets and Presentations are also simple content trackable.
- Plays well with aurelia.io and supabase.com though implementations are still in the works.
- Is driven by convention and has many reference codebases published publically (see bitbucket links at top)
Cons / Minuses of Amadeus Web
- Setup and Learning Curve
- Lack of tons of plugins.
- No login or wysiwyg (an advantage from a security point of view)
- No developer community though its super simple for a good front end / php developer to pick up