We are AmadeusWeb - built as a "web, visibility and long term content addition / collaboration platform" for students, freelancers, clients and large communities. We operate on a code of ethics and a proprietary framework which needs to be OK for you before we begin.
NOTE: Do tick the applicable points that resonate with you / you would like to engage us on using the form below. Alternately, you can simple contact us via email / whatsapp.
Shared Objectives
The platform is rather different and uses an alternative approach, simple yet profound.
- Tired of messy development projects?
- Want to plan and sustainedly develop content?
- Want to engage creatively with audience, supporters, adherents and pillars of your community?
- Feel overwhelmed by the barrage of content on social media and worry that none of it is "owned by you"?
What We Are
Having evolved over time and with an intent for building an online community, we understand both tech and people well.
- We are looking for collaborators per our history.
- Our founder is passionate about aeshetic to the finest detail - all throughout his 25 years to becoming a solution architect, but is also spiritual from which comes his drive.
- We are devising several programs for training and community building.
- Also, some services - both tech and non.
What You Want
Let us know who you are, which services you want and what in the feature roadmap interests you.
- Are you a hobbyist, business or progressive community?
- Describe the sort of work you need?
- Are you looking for a different kind of platform?
- Does the promise of managed steady growth of content interest you?
- Does correlated content from social media / and your website sound interesting?
- How would you like to engage your community / target audience?
What We Offer
Here are some features we are reaching towards - both constrained and liberated by our decision to use files for everything, backed up and synced by tried and tested software including the Open Source Git technology which is nearly 20 years old..
- Online Authoring/Suggestions via Git branching. A new DEV / OSS approach meaning new web skills to be acquired.
- Social Site without a login, managed by an email assistant.
- Publishing platform for newsletters and magazines.
- Business/Org/Personal listing with location and events.
- Student / Educator / Spokesperson / Activist wishing to engage creatively with a [growing] following.
- An alternative to blockchain/crypto for establinshing ownership / collaboration of content and having visitors value it.
- An alternative eCommerce platform suited to Franchisors (again without db / working offline).
- A movement wide "empty knowledge and retrain" for Conversational AI for a subset of the internet aligned with the ideals of the "futuristic movement" - with all wisdoms added / modified tracked in AI.
Kindly tick what you are interested in above, fill in some details in the textbox that appears and use the button below to email us.
NOTA BENE: If you are using a desktop and a mail client is not configured, you will have to copy the prepared email content and send it manually. Please note that our email is imran@amadeusweb.com.